Civil War decor, brings to mind the 1860’s, and the war that was soon to be fought.
The Civil War families on both sides of the divide, had their own struggles.
Kerosene lights, quilts, canteens, handmade ‘make do’s, tin plates and cups, all bring to mind the more primitive side of the Civil War era.
Our Civil War customers enjoy creating an ambience of that time period. Log cabins, simple four square homes, as well as the magnificent southern plantations, come to mind.
We can only imagine what it would have been like to reside in that time period.
Farmhouse Primitives, does not side with the North or the South. We simply want to share the time period, and the history, so the people of that era will have not been forgotten.
History that is not kept in view, is forgotten and repeated. We must hold dear to our hearts what was learned from a hard fought existence for those years.
Our Civil War decor will make great conversation starters, while bringing a hint of history into your decor.